As a first step, we're giving out
every once in a while to one special talent from our town
Season 2 Coming Soon
We also provide you access to courses, mentors, workshops, tech facilities and equipments.
FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
We have been saving! Every month, we will also approach several businessmen and people of interest within Naharkatia to see if they’d like to contribute to the cause. Complete details regarding our funds, how we collect them, and how they are distributed can be found here.
The people behind this initiative are from Naharkatia. And it’s time they did something for their town. That’s it. No other reason. 😄 We might expand to other nearby towns and cities soon.
Once you receive the scholarship, our team will work with you for the next three months to focus on your growth. We’ll help you with resources essential for your specific forte. We’ll make sure we do great things together.
We’re currently giving out the scholarship from our saved-up funds. We’ll try to keep the initiative running for years to come. To help us do that, you can donate to us by clicking here.
The Naharkatia Scholarship is for anyone and everyone who’re doing great things and need help scale their ideas and ambitions. Click here to know if you qualify for the scholarship.
The winner will receive the money in their bank account.
Currently, we’re working remotely. But if the initiative finds success, we’ll open up an office in Naharkatia. Let’s hope for the best.
Absolutely. If you want to sponsor a month’s scholarship or more, feel free to click here. How will the sponsorship work, you ask? We’ll add your name/company’s name as the title sponsor. For eg. “DS Chat House – The Naharkatia Scholarship – September 2022”.

the nhk scholarship
a project naharkatia initiative
Applications are currently closed.
Winner of the first season has been announced!
Season 2 Coming Soon